UK Ancestry Visa

UK Ancestry Visa


​You can apply for a UK Ancestry visa if you’re one of the following:

a Commonwealth citizen

a British overseas citizen

a British overseas territories citizen

a British national (overseas)

a citizen of Zimbabwe

You must also prove one of your grandparents was born in the UK,

the Channel Islands, or the Isle of Man

meet the other eligibility requirements

How long you can stay

You can stay in the UK for 5 years on this visa.

Applying to stay longer in the UK

If you’ve lived in the UK for 5 years on this visa, you may be able to either:

apply to extend your visa for a further 5 years

apply to settle permanently in the UK (apply for ‘indefinite leave to remain’)


You must prove that you:

are 17 or over

enough money without help from public funds to support &

house yourself and any dependants

can and plan to work in the UK

​Your ancestry

You must show that you have a grandparent born in one of the following circumstances:

in the UK, the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man

before 31 March 1922 in what is now Ireland on a ship or aircraft

that was either registered in the UK or belonged to the UK government

You can claim ancestry if:

you or your parent were adopted

your parents or grandparents were not married

You cannot claim UK ancestry through step-parents.

Let Us Help You

Bright star Immigration aims to make the immigration process as smooth running as possible


Why Choose BSI

> 30 minute free initial consultation
> Open 6 days a week
> U.K. based
> Nothing to pay until your application is  submitted to the home office

Contact Us

United Kingdom
NG18 2JG
‪07459 532839‬


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